Saturday, August 29, 2009


Hey! i went to tampines1 just now.. During the compo class, Hin Wa, Chun Hui and Ivan damn funny lors.
Hin Wa: teacher, can dont do the comprehension anot?
Teacher: NO!
Hin Wa: teacher can bring home anot?->speaks in chinese. cos later bring home don't need to do and teacher wont ask again.->speaks in english.
Teacher:i can understand okay...

Ivan: teacher, can do MCQ only right?
Ivan:silence means consent.
Teacher: no!

Chun hui: teacher i dont know how to do leh.
Teacher:try lah.
Chun hui: can go home and do anot? go home and to the work will be better leh.
Teacher:ya, thework will be better, never come back marh. i dont need to mark.

Hin Wa:老师 ,那个问题说, 读了这篇文章,你有什么感想?可以写, 读了这篇文章,我没有感想吗?

I went to this dining restaurant, dian xiao er,店小二. The food there was yummy!!!! You guys should try when you're there.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Today during chinese class, when 于老师 was doing the comprehension correction, chun hui got don't know what problem with the paper then he went to 于老师's table. Then zu en there, chun hui keep on calling 于老师. i forgot what he say, but whatever he said was damn funny!!!(to be continued some other day)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

lonely best describes me and my feelings now.

It sure has been a long time since i last 'care' for my blog.During this days, i felt somthing that i've never felt before. Worrying for my prelims, i told myself its up to you whether you want to fail your mummy's expectations. I finally made up my mind the study and revise for science and math for 30mins at least everyday. As days goes further, my worries increased too. Will my best friends treat me as some irratating air surrounding them? Should i believe my eyes? Is it worth me worrying about my best friends? Are my closest friend going to hear my troubles? Perhaps no, they're probably having fun everyday within the three of them. If you happen to ask me why am i so moody the past few days, this is my answer. Does the problem lies in me? Are they really going to lend me their ear? Thanks to yi hui, i'm feeling much better. Why do they leave me out when they're having fun? Why do they have to leave me alone? Will i find a true friend? I've already tried my best to change already right? I scream less nowadays right? Can they share my troubles with them, can they lift the burden that i'm carrying now? Can i survive through this trap that my best friend has left for me?How can our friendship change within a short 4 month? 可能是我自己出了问题。。怎么没一个好朋友了解我??也许我应该检讨我自己。。。
[with troubles,questions and doubts]